Posted by: Captain Forehead
karma: -17 [+/-]
You are here and find me. I am there and find you. Where are we? Where we have always been, whispering tiny words into each other's mind.
Posted by: Captain Forehead
karma: 296 [+/-]
They may hold your body hostage, but it is your mind they are after...
Posted by: Captain Forehead
karma: 470 [+/-]
I find myself behind enemy lines. Speech muffled. I write on the bark of trees. I will get it out. Unfortunately, it appears I am the enemy...
Posted by: Captain Forehead
karma: 372 [+/-]
I'm still alive...I think.
Posted by: Captain Forehead
karma: 12 [+/-]
Please, don't think I am gone. The happenings are marinating in the mind of madness, wondering how to present in proper prose.

Be well and sleep peacefully, my delightful minions.
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